Services of Dhisha Encore Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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Legal document indexing/ title indexing services Full Search services

A wide variety of documents are filed everyday with County Clerk offices throughout the country. Title insurance companies need to maintain a detailed database of such documents. Some of the documents that are filed include:

• Deed of Trust
• Full or Partial Lien release document
• Lien Documents
• Probates Documents
• Easement Rights
• District court Documents
• Marriage Certificates

The database of the title company should be posted regularly with these documents, so that all the latest information stays available to be used at any time. It is of utmost importance that accurate legal description of a property is posted. For this reason, each and every document should be scanned and coded on time. Dhisha Encore Solutions has got years of experience when it comes to coding which allows us to deliver high quality coding services that are carried out always on time. It consists of two parts

The documents that are filed with County Clerk are all scanned and duly collected by title companies. These documents are then uploaded on the FTP servers of the companies daily at the end. The offshore team of Dhisha Encore Solutions obtains them and codes them into the title indexing software given by the title company as per their requirements.

• Information relating to the parties (grantor/grantee)
• Prior references that are mentioned within the document
• Legal description of a property involved in document (details relating to block, subdivision, lot or acres)

The elements to be keyed are identified after going through the documents. Since the elements differ from one document to another, we use specialized proprietary tools that allow our coders to identify all of the proper elements.

Quality Assurance (QA): At Dhisha Encore Solutions we follow certain quality control measures that yield superior quality every time. To maintain 99.95% accuracy, we identify all the correct data elements present in the document and check the accuracy of the selected data elements and correct them if needed. This allows us to maintain highest levels of accuracy consistently.

• We expertise in following types of title indexing:
• Go forward - Daily turnaround
• Back Plants - Long durations and high volumes

Day-Forward Indexing / Posting: Some Courthouses scan their day-forward images and provide them to the Title companies on a weekly basis. We can take these weekly data and index the fields as per the Title plant software requirement and provide the data back ready to merge into the software on a timely basis. This keeps the Title plants upto date on their Title plant data requirement. We can convert electronic images and data in any format the client provides us to suite the clients Title plant software.

Some of the title plants that we have created date all the way back to patent. We have also worked on numerous handwritten legal documents and indexed them accurately.

The title company makes sure a property title is legitimate, so that the buyer may be confident that once he buys a property, he is the rightful owner of the property. To ensure that the title is valid, the title company will do a title search, which is a thorough examination of property records to make sure that the person or company claiming to own the property does, in fact, legally own the property and that no one else could claim full or partial ownership of the property. During the title search, the title company also looks for any outstanding mortgages, liens, judgments or unpaid taxes associated with the property, as well as any restrictions, easements, leases or other issues that might impact ownership...

We expertise in the Full search which includes the chain of title all the way back till early 1900’s, all open mortgages on the property, any documents related to open mortgages; assignments, subordinations, modifications, all involuntary liens on the property – we will run all names found in title in the deed chains, any additional names found on mortgages and any names given to us in your request.

Any additional documents such as affidavits, notices, etc. that pertain to the property Documents pertaining to Oil and Gas leases, amendments, assignments, Designation of Units and Dissolution of Units, Releases.

Full tax information showing amounts due/paid, original due dates, paid dates when applicable fully typed report of every document on record. Legal description typed on each report - easy for you to copy and paste from our report